Loka Treffers
loka snoods
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Buy now, pay later! All Loka items can be bought via the "PayJustNow" feature, which allows the buyer to pay his/her online purchase over three equal, interest-free instalments. The purchased items will however be couriered to the delivery address provided,...
R 150.00
Blom in Oorvloed
Seisoene Aqua Blom
Paisley - Bruin
Paisley - Blou
- + 1
Stellie Jeans Leather Belts (Width 22mm)
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Buy now, pay later! All Loka items can be bought via the "PayJustNow" feature, which allows the buyer to pay his/her online purchase over three equal, interest-free instalments. The purchased items will however be couriered to the delivery address provided,...
R 320.00
- + 5
Harmonie Zanie Dress
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Buy now, pay later! All Loka items can be bought via the "PayJustNow" feature, which allows the buyer to pay his/her online purchase over three equal, interest-free instalments. The purchased items will however be couriered to the delivery address provided,...
R 699.00
R 599.00
Olga Body suit
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Die Olga Bodysuit is gemaak van hoe-gehalte DTY vir 'n gemaklike pasvorm en gladde voorkoms. Sy spog met ons kenmerkende Loka Olga-mesh mou en 'n DTY-moumanchet vir 'n unieke, stylvolle afronding. Olga Bodysuit is perfek met enige Stellie jeans en...
R 450.00
Harmonie Hanli Rok
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Die Loka Hanli Lang Rok is 'n veelsydige basiese itemw at moeiteloos stylvol is. Dra dit alleen vir 'n eenvoudige elegante voorkoms, of gebruik haar as die perfekte basis om jou styl te verhoog. Kombineer dit met Loka Harmonie Mesh...
R 599.00
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Want jou hare verdien ook 'n bietjie liefde - meng, pas aan en stapel! Hoekom Loka Scrunchies:1) Sag op jou hare: Loka materiaal is ongelooflik sag en glad, wat wrywing en haarbreek voorkom. Ideaal vir slaap 2) Geen knope of merke: ...
R 45.00